Healthcare facilities are increasingly affected by cyber attacks, with data leaks or service disruptions as the most serious ...
The dispute between Fedez and Tony Effe, who were previously on good terms, has attracted media attention. Recently, Tony ...
Four helicopters fly over Traversara, a town of 500 inhabitants in Romagna, devastated by a terrible flood caused by the ...
The weather situation in Emilia Romagna, which recently suffered its third flood in just over a year, is improving. After ...
Romagna, a controversy erupted between the central government and the region, with the latter accused of not having used the ...
Nella regione di Crotonese, la ‘ndrangheta ha subito un duro colpo con l’esecuzione di un provvedimento precautelare da parte dei carabinieri nei confronti di 31 individui. Quindici, tra questi, sono ...
Gianluca Semprini and Nunzia De Girolamo, hosts of Estate in Diretta on Rai for two years, seem to be a well-established ...
- aluminum frames rappresentano una delle scelte più diffuse e apprezzate nel settore dell’edilizia, sia per le abitazioni private che per gli edifici commerciali e industriali. Questo tipo di infisso ...
Big Brother is once again livestreaming 24 hours a day, allowing you to constantly follow the contestants. In the afternoon, ...
The program "Pomeriggio Cinque" addressed the case of the controversial 2 million euro scratch card in Verona, between ...
Unions have organized a national transport strike on September 20, demanding better wages, safety and workers' rights. The ...
Democratic Party Secretary Elly Schlein expresses solidarity with the areas affected by the floods in Emilia-Romagna. She ...