In promising experiments, phage therapy forces bacteria into a no-win dilemma that lowers their defenses against drugs they’d ...
Imagine peering into the microscopic world where atoms, the fundamental building blocks of everything, come into view. Have ...
Among other winners of the Nikon Small World in Motion competition are videos of a fruit fly embryo and of water droplets ...
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, the Dutch microscopist credited with discovering bacteria, sent a letter to the Royal Society of ...
A new portable digital holographic microscope allows precision 3D measurements to be made through smartphone-powered ...
New platform with AI-powered search, launching first in the U.S., gives customers convenient access to tailored microscopy ...
We should not let the site of a lab in St Petersburg that spearheaded materials science more than 250 years ago be sold to ...
One of the ways that bacteria can evolve resistance to antibiotics is by using structures in their membranes that are ...
Among more than 5,200 scientific submissions, several promising and timely research studies were brought to the attention of attendees, including: ...